The Importance of Hammer Toes Treatment in Hong Kong

If you’re looking for a way to get relief from the pain that comes with a Hammer Toe, you can choose a non-surgical treatment or a surgical option. This article will discuss the causes and symptoms of hammer toes and what to expect during recovery. This article will also help you understand the benefits and risks of hammer toe surgery.


Nonsurgical treatment

The most common surgical method for correcting hammer toes is arthroplasty, a minimally invasive procedure based on the philosophy of collateral damage. Similar to a formal open thoracotomy, this procedure involves making a small incision (three millimeters) in the affected toe, using a specially designed bone-cutting bur. The bone is cut through the incision, with contracted tendons released and soft tissue balancing procedures added through percutaneous methods. This technique minimizes mild tissue irritation while also avoiding hardware-related complications.


Recovery from hammer toe surgery

Depending on the severity of your condition, you may need to have hammer toe surgery. If your toe is flexible, nonsurgical methods may alleviate the pain. However, these treatments cannot correct the underlying problem or the joint’s rigidity. If your toe is rigid, the only cure for it is to have it fixed through surgery. In such a case, recovery from hammer toe surgery can be difficult or painful, but the recovery time is typically short.


While early stages of your hammer toe can be corrected, it can develop into a permanently bent position. As a result, you might develop painful hard corns on the top and bottom of the toe that rubs against your shoe. To ensure your recovery, you should tell your doctor about any medicines you take. Your doctor may ask you to discontinue taking blood clotting medications like aspirin or ibuprofen. Naproxen, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, is a safe alternative to aspirin.




Treatment for hammer toes depends on the severity of the condition. In mild cases, taping and splinting can help to reduce deformity and minimize symptoms. Physical therapy can help strengthen the muscles that cause the deformation, while corticosteroid injections can alleviate pain and inflammation. In more severe cases, surgery may be required. However, non-surgical treatments for hammer toes are available.


People with poor circulation and nerve damage are at greater risk of hammertoes. Additionally, women are more likely to have this deformity than men. Women are more likely to develop the condition than men because they wear shoes with smaller toe boxes. Hammertoes are more common in older people. A small bone spur can also cause hammertoes. A medical diagnosis of hammertoes is essential for preventing foot ulcers.


Symptoms of Hammer Toes include pain in the toe joint. A person with a hammer toe will often experience pain in the football as the raised part rubs against the shoe. Over time, calluses are caused by excess pressure on the foot’s metatarsals. Callus removal may help relieve the extra stress and pain caused by the hammer toe. However, some calluses are so severe that surgical treatment may be necessary.


If you have hammer toes, you should find out what is causing it. This condition is often caused by a foot disorder that causes uneven pressure distribution in the toes. If you don’t have any other symptoms, you can try ice packs or crumpling a towel with your toes. You can also try using cushions or corn pads to help ease the pain. Always remember that these remedies aren’t permanent cures.


If you have a hammer toe, you’ve probably already noticed that your toes are curled. Initially, they can bend, but the curled position becomes more prominent. In this situation, moving your toes is difficult, which can lead to corns and other painful conditions. Shoes with tight toe boxes can also cause the toes to curve, even when you’re barefoot. Trauma to the foot can also contribute to the occurrence of hammer toes.


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